Day-to-Day Living

At The Granville Assisted Living we provide supportive services such as housekeeping, laundry services and personal assistance. Below are more details about these services:

Personal Assistance


Residents bring their own furnishings and decorate their rooms to their taste at The Granville.

The Resident Assistants at The Granville Assisted Living Center provide help with some personal care needs and bathing. Assistants aid in minor dressing tasks when needed, such as tying shoes, putting on socks, and buttoning buttons. When necessary, they’ll remind a resident to change his or her clothes. They also help with minor undressing tasks, for individuals in need of that level of care.

If a resident is having difficulty making their bed, they can request daily assistance with this task as well. We also provide wake-up calls and meal reminders when needed. In addition, our receptionist will arrange transportation to and from medical appointments as requested (this service may have additional costs associated).

Residents must be able to make it to and from the dining room independently.



Residents bring their own furnishings and decorate their rooms to their taste at The Granville.

The housekeepers consist of a team of dedicated staff, each of whom brings a unique quality to our community. You will always find them doing more for residents than just cleaning apartments; they remind residents of meals and activities, assist residents with meal service, and get to know the residents’ personal styles and preferences.

Typical housekeeping chores are provided once a week. During this time, each unit is thoroughly cleaned and vacuumed. The carpet in each apartment is cleaned as needed unless otherwise requested. Spills and stains that require more immediate attention are taken care of by our maintenance department at no extra charge.

Laundry Services


We have a laundry room for the use of our residents.

We have commercial laundry facilities on the premises, where we wash approximately 24 loads of personal laundry and linen each night.

Our washers are designed to wash 40 pounds of laundry at a time. Clothes are washed, dried, folded, and returned to each resident the following morning. All clothing and linens are marked with the resident’s name or room number so we can be sure to return items to the right person and place.

We also offer the option for residents to do their own laundry if they prefer. We have a front-load washer and dryer located in a laundry room on the first floor. To avoid timing conflicts, residents must reserve time through the front desk to use the washer and dryer. The laundry room is equipped with a monitoring system that registers to the front desk. This enables our receptionist to monitor the laundry area while it is in use.